Re: [css-containment][css-regions] how does containement and regions interact

> On 06 Jul 2015, at 23:56, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 7:00 AM, Alan Stearns <> wrote:
>> On 7/2/15, 3:27 AM, "Florian Rivoal" <> wrote:
>>>> On 02 Jul 2015, at 00:31, Alan Stearns <> wrote:
>>>> How about:
>>>> If a fragmentation context participates in layout containment, the first
>>>> element with layout containment affecting the fragmentation context must
>>>> “trap” the remainder of the fragmented flow. Fragmentation must not
>>>> continue past the layout containment boundary. So the last fragment
>>>> container within the first layout containment boundary is treated as if
>>>> it
>>>> is the last fragment container in its fragmentation context.
>>> Not bad :) You took something awkward to phrase, generalized it to a
>>> broader
>>> situation, and still managed to craft a sentence that makes sense.
>>> I'd add:
>>> If subsequent fragmentation containers in the fragmentation context
>>> are only generated when more content remains in the fragmented flow,
>>> then they are not generated. If they would exist regardless, they
>>> remain part of the fragmentation context, but do no receive any content
>>> from the fragmented flow.
>>> Specifically:
>>>   - CSS Regions following the one which traps the content are still
>>>     considered part of the region chain as returned by the
>>>     getRegions() method of the NamedFlow interface.
>>>   - the regionOverset attribute of the Region interface of the region
>>>     which traps the content is set to overset if the content doesn't
>>>     fit, even if it is not the last region in the region chain.
>>>   - If the computed value of the continue property on an element with
>>>     layout containment would otherwise have been ''auto'' or
>>>     ''fragments'', it must instead compute to ''overflow''.
>> This all looks good to me. I like the general rules followed by specific
>> applications of those rules.
> I like this as well, and would gladly accept a PR.

There you go:

 - Florian

Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2015 12:18:29 UTC