Re: [css-text-decor]: text-shadow should also apply to replaced content, like semi-transparent images

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 7:01 AM, Axel Dahmen <> wrote:
> Since box-shadow doesn't apply to content but only to boxes, whereas
> text-shadow applies to the content itself, I suggest to amend the
> text-shadow property specification to have this property also apply to
> inline replaced content, e.g. semi-transparent images, like PNG images with
> transparent areas.

text-shadow is for text, and makes assumptions about how shadows are
cast - its the geometry of the text, unrelated to how transparent the
text is (similar to how box-shadow is based on the geometry of the
box, unrelated to the transparency of its background/etc).  Having it
respond to transparency for inline elements would be an odd departure.

For a shadow that does respond to transparency, we have the
drop-shadow() filter, defined in the Filters spec.  It works on all


Received on Wednesday, 28 January 2015 23:57:48 UTC