Re: [css-text][css-writing-modes] Line breaking around Emoji, Gaiji, U+FFFC, and text-combine-horizontal

On 01/26/2015 06:31 AM, Koji Ishii wrote:
> Thank you for the great summary.
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 7:29 AM, fantasai <> wrote:
>> 1. text-combine-upright
>> -----------------------
>>     Result of text-combine-upright should break as ID, not as U+FFFC.
>>     Current spec requires treating as actual contents for line-breaking.
>>     So there is some misunderstanding of the text;
>>     unclear whether there is an issue here to fix.
>>     Proposal A: Leave spec as-is: TCY treated as its own text.
>>     Proposal B: Make TCY always treated as ideographic character.
> Hm, the change was made in 2012[1]. I merely remember we discussed,
> but don't remember why we changed.
> Though I lost that context, thinking now, I think B works the best.
>> 2. UAX#14 Rules for Atomic Inlines Problematic
>> ----------------------------------------------
>>     Changing the rule order for UAX#14 is a difficult tailoring.
>>     Spec should just create a special rule for atomic inlines.
>>     Proposal A: Change spec wording to fix this.
>>     Proposal B: Change spec wording to fix issue #3.
>>     Remaining Issue: Should U+FFFC match images?
> Not very clear the diff between A and B. Can you clarify?
> [...]
> Maybe we're talking the same? I couldn't read what you meant by your A and B.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant follow Proposal B for Issue #3, i.e.
>>     Proposal B: Treat all images as ID.

> This property is to opt-out the fix and bring back the behavior
> we defined in the LC, so I think we need this in the Level 3.

The ideal behavior is, I think, to treat as ID. I can't imagine
anyone intentionally *wanting* the current behavior (ignoring
nbsp etc.)

FWIW, just checked Presto with some of your test cases (using
comma, period, brackets, etc.), and it seems to treat images
as ideographic. E.g. it keeps an image together with an
immediately following close-bracket, comma, or period. This
means it was Web-compatible enough for Presto, so maybe it's
Web-compatible enough for everyone.

I propose we treat TCY, U+FFFC, and images all as ID by default.
What do you think?


Received on Monday, 26 January 2015 20:01:06 UTC