Re: [css-break][css-overflow-3][css-regions][css4-ui] generalizing 'region-fragment' into a fragmentation primitive: a first step to solving multi-line ellipsis

> On 21 Jan 2015, at 00:20, Alan Stearns <> wrote:
>>> B. Selectors can refer to many boxes. What if the “next” selector 
>>> selects 
>>> multiple elements? What if the selector for the ‘fragmentation’ 
>>> property 
>>> selects multiple elements?
>> Pick the first one of the selected set in DOM order. If that's yourself,
>> apply the usual loop-detection safety valve and don't flow (i.e.
>> 'fragmentation'computes to 'none' or maybe 'break').
> So if my markup has multiple paragraphs, and style says:
> p { fragmentation:break insert-into(#id) }
> Only the first paragraph’s content would fragment and run through the #id 
> box? That seems bad to me.

Ah, sorry, misread you. "Pick the first in document order" was meant for the selector used in insert-into().

In the case you highlight, it would insert from every one of the p elements, in document orders. So in this case, assuming #id is empty, this would be equivalent to

p {flow-into: foo;}
#id {flow-from: foo;}

 - Florian

Received on Tuesday, 20 January 2015 23:32:14 UTC