Re: [css-grid] Absolutely positioned items and static position

On 08/01/15 23:00, fantasai wrote:
> So, I think the spec is pretty clear on how the width/height are
> calculated:
> they're calculated wrt the containing block, which defined to be the
> grid area.
> However, it is kindof weird: the static position is determined based on
> a larger rectangle (the grid container) while the containing block is
> a smaller rectangle (the grid area). I'm not sure that's a great
> definition.
> It might make sense for static positioning to honor grid positioning as
> well.

Yes, that was my doubt, as it's kind of confusing that we follow the
placement properties for the size but not for the static positon.

> Another issue you bring up is, if one of the grid lines is the padding edge
> (which is what an 'auto' grid position indicates for abspos elements
> contained
> by the grid container), and the second grid line is a span, where does
> it span
> to? The padding edge doesn't have a defined relationship to the other
> grid lines.

Right. I was not thinking like one line is the padding edge, but I agree
with you about that.

> A third issue is, what if there aren't enough lines for the abspos? Some
> possible
> answers:
>   * attach to the padding edge instead
>   * attach to the last available grid line (if any)
>   * create "invisible" grid lines to attach to -- that don't affect
> layout of the
>     grid container's in-flow contents
> (Does that about summarize the issues or did I miss one? :)

Yes, thank you very much.


Received on Thursday, 8 January 2015 23:40:37 UTC