Re: [cssom-view] Which APIs should be 'double' vs. 'long'

> I believe there were, but I could be wrong and can't find details in the
> bugs.  eae@ do you have reason to expect serious compat issues with making
> scrollWidth and scrollHeight doubles?  I don't think we've ever tried to
> change those without also changing offsetWidth/offsetHeight, so I'd be
> willing to take a crack at that if we don't have concrete data so say why we
> can't.

Comparing scrollWidth/scrollHeight with clientWidth/clientHeight using
the equality operator is a quite common pattern to check whether an
element is scrollable or not. Any change that breaks that is likely to
have compatibility issues. If we change clientWidth/Height to subpixel
precision I'd argue we also need to change clientWidth/Height.

As we discussed in person another, more conservative, option would be
to keep scrollWidth/Height as integers and instead special case
scrolling to the end.

I.e., today setting scrollLeft = scrollWidth - clientWidth does not
guarantee that it scrolls to the end as scrollWidth and clientWidth
are both rounded.

Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2015 13:16:12 UTC