Re: [mediaqueries] Add epub/page to media queries list?

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 12:42 AM, Florian Rivoal <> wrote:

> In the DPUB IG, we've briefly discussed that a possible addition would let
> you detect wether you're on a reading device that presents a table of
> content as part of the UI or not, like epub readers often do. Presumably,
> if the answer is yes, then some authors might want to display:none the
> table of content in the document itself.
> This hasn't been fully explored yet, and there seems to be subtleties such
> as:
>  * Does the reader always generate a TOC (epub), or only if the gcpm
> bookmark properties are used to mark the outline?
>  * Is the TOC-in-the-UI major part of the UI that users will for sure see
> (epub readers), or some side feature they might not know about (like the
> "info" panel in opera desktop 12)
> See here for a similar discussion on the DPUB IG's mailing list:
In some sense what we want to detect is the presence or absence of a
secondary browsing context (such as in FF and Opera), which I think is the
closest web analog to what e-readers often do.


Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2015 23:40:35 UTC