Re: [lots] -webkit prefixed properties and values

10.12.2015, 21:48, "Tab Atkins Jr." <>:
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Dean Jackson <> wrote:
>>  It’s the vendor prefix that I don’t want in a main specification, especially
>>  when there is now a standard deployed solution without the prefix.
>>  I’m not denying their place in the Web.
> They're not vendor prefixes anymore, tho, at least on these
> properties. They've been implemented by other vendors, so they're
> just aliases which happen to resemble the old vendor-prefix system.
> That's the point.

Using vendor-prefixed features instead of standard ones is a bad practice anyway, so advertising vendor-prefixed features in main specifications is probably not quite a good idea.

I tend to agree with Dean, it would probably be more appropriate to place vendor-prefixed features in a separate spec instead of spreading them over multiple specs.

If needed, it would probably be enough just to _reference_ the separate compatibility spec in those multiple specs that describe standard syntax.

Even if it would be decided to place information about vendor-prefixed features directly in main specs, it would probably be useful to style corresponding sections correspondingly -- e.g. using a red-ish background with red border and with a noticeable warning that the section describes nonstandard syntax that should NOT be used on new sites.

Received on Thursday, 10 December 2015 20:17:57 UTC