Re: [css-grid] nits on 5.1.2. Repeating Rows and Columns: the repeat() notation

On 12/02/2015 22:57, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 11:11 AM, Mats Palmgren <> wrote:
>> Under the second bullet, describing "<auto-repeat>", it says:
>> "... but requires definite minimum track sizes ..."
>> This seems to contradict what is later said for "auto-fill":
>> "treating each track as its max track sizing function if that
>> is definite or as its minimum track sizing function otherwise"
> Those don't contradict, they agree.  The first says you need definite
> minimum sizing functions.  The second says that you calculate using
> the max sizing function if it's definite, otherwise you use the min
> sizing function (which is definite by definition).

Oh, I read "definite minimum track sizes" as "definite min track sizes",
i.e. those tracks that have a "definite min sizing function".

Would it possible to rephrase it to avoid this confusion?
"... but requires a definite track size (at least one of the min/max track
sizing functions) ...", or simply
"... but requires a definite track size ...", leaving the details
for later?


Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2015 22:20:43 UTC