Re: [css-grid] Clarifying "all lines in the implicit grid" text (which probably wants to exclude explicit grid)

On 24/04/15 23:19, Daniel Holbert wrote:
> [1] As I understand it, the "implicit grid" is effectively a superset of
> the "explicit grid" -- at least, section 9.5 step 2 says that the
> "number of columns in the implicit grid" is at least as large as "the
> number of columns in the explicit grid".[2] This implies the implicit
> grid is a superset of the explicit grid. And hence "all lines in the
> implicit grid" (from my original quote) would include all lines in the
> explicit grid.
> [2]

Just to share my point of view, I interpret like the implicit grid only
the tracks implicitly added, not all the tracks. From [3]:
"While grid-template and its longhand properties define the explicit
grid, grid items can be positioned outside of these bounds. This causes
the grid container to generate implicit grid tracks, forming the
implicit grid. The grid-auto-rows and grid-auto-columns properties size
these implicit grid tracks."

So the "implicit grid tracks" are only the new ones, and not all the
tracks of the grid (so IMHO it doesn't include the explicit grid).

Probably the wording in the auto-placement algorithm section should be
improved to avoid this confusion.

Regarding your question about the undefined named lines, you can check
the a previous thread [4] in which we discussed about the expected behavior.

Just my 2 cents,


Received on Friday, 24 April 2015 21:44:23 UTC