Re: [css-cascade-4][css3-ui] naming collision: the "default" value

On Thu, 23 Apr 2015 13:56:09 +0200, Jonathan Kingston  
<> wrote:

> As Tab pointed out 'ua-default' isn't strictly correct as it could be the
> user origin.

 From the author's perspective, there is no difference. Users with a user  
stylesheet have just messed with the UA default. Like users with  
non-default zoom level or font size. So I think this is not a problem.

> How about something similar to: 'origin-default'
> This relates to the current origin, setting it to it's origins default. I
> considered 'parent-origin-default' but it is way too long.

Origin on the Web usually means origin as in the same-origin-policy.

> Is there any consensus on how this behavior will relate to shadow DOM as
> there was some talk around an origin just for the shadow default?

I don't know what you are referring to here. :-)

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 23 April 2015 12:47:57 UTC