CSS Classes Custom - by Leonardo Lima


After that i see css custom properties , think that if creating Class
custom for CSS can help us. Nowadays we have that install preprocessor CSS
to and using this preprocessor CSS  can using variables.
I think using (classes custom) can we have an default of ("mixins") a bunch
of properties from one rule-set into another rule-set. With this rule dont
need use more preprocessor CSS.Now lets change how make CSS variables, see
example below:
So can we working very fast with changes in projects of way correct,
without worry with files CSS, that continue pretty good.

/*create class*/
    class(--btn-default);/*call class*/

*Leonardo Lima*
*Web developer*

Fone:  *(051) 8336-5081*
Currículo online: http://leonardo403.github.io/curriculo-leonardo-lima/
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Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2015 16:58:56 UTC