Re: [css-grid] implicit grid lines when using fixed "gutter" tracks

> This might also be handleable by allowing grid-auto-rows/columns to
> take a full <track-list> specification, and require it to produce a
> full multiple of the track-list when generating new rows.  That way
> you could write "grid-auto-rows: (row) auto (gutter) 20px;" and it
> would produce the correct rows.
yes, that's the sort of repeating pattern that would work.

> I'm thinking more of something like a page grid with things
> distributed around, and a central content area designed to be
> auto-filled with some number of content elements.  You might want a
> gap around the elements in the center there, but not between the
> surrounding page-template stuff.  Do you have any examples like that
> yet?
I'm wondering if people would just nest grids in that situation. It seems
more likely that you would know what the shape of the outer stuff was, and
could specify the tracks. Then have an inner which auto-filled to a regular

I'm going to have a look at some of the common frameworks people are using
to do grid type layout currently, and see how those workflows map to Grid.
I think this auto issue is probably one I'll be working around a fair bit


Rachel Andrew

Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2014 16:47:22 UTC