Re: Proposal: Motions along a path in CSS

On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Dirk Schulze <> wrote:
> I uploaded a very early draft of motion path here for every one who is interested.
> I did not include Shane’s proposal yet. I would still like to see some examples to understand it better.

Let me explain Shane's proposal a little more.

Motion-on-a-path is just a way of doing some relatively complex
calculations that eventually resolve into, for a given amount of
progress on the path, a translation and a rotation.  So, we can define
this in translate-function terms, like:


That is, it's a motion() function, which takes the same grammar as the
'motion' property - a shape, a progress, and a rotation directive.
It's equivalent to a translate()/rotate() pair.

The 'motion' property, then, would just be a property-based variant of
this, which inserts a motion() function into a specific spot at the
beginning of the final transform list.  This has the nice benefits
that it can be independently set and animated and cascaded without
having to worry about any other transforms on the element.


Received on Monday, 1 September 2014 16:09:42 UTC