Re: [css-line-grid][css-books] one property or more?

On 10/1/14, 12:52 PM, "Håkon Wium Lie" <> wrote:

>Also sprach Alan Stearns:
> > My strong preference is to have line snapping be an opt-in property.
> > very common use case (shown in the examples I’ve added) is to only have
> > body text snap to the grid and not headings. So an opt-out strategy
> > start to look like this:
> > 
> > body { baseline-grid: new }
> > img, figure, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, nav, etc. { baseline-grid: none }
> > 
> > And the opt-in version would be:
> > 
> > body { line-grid: create }
> > p { line-snap: baseline }
>Using CSS Books you could opt-in with:
>  p { baseline-grid: root }
>It's actually a good use case for 'root'.

(sorry for the duplicate, Håkon - failed to include www-style)

I’m not sure that saving a single declaration is worth the complication of
having a named grid (even if it’s a single name for root). My expectation
is that a grid will usually be established on some inner element, not the
body or root. Having a grid start at the bottom of whatever nav,
advertising or logo happens to be at the top of a page will be much
simpler than trying to figure out how the grid should interact with the
top stuff.



Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2014 21:56:02 UTC