Suggestion: Alternate Style Tags (

First, let me apologize for emailing directly… (IDPF Registration Wall)

A distinction needs to be made as to how ePUB Stylesheets are handled...

I believe it would be more useful from a “Best Practice” or “Real World”
if ‘Appendix A’ was changed to something like:

<head><!--Media Queries can occur outside Stylesheets (Device Validation)-->
 <title>*W3C Matrix<*/title><!--PERSISTANT: Output Layer (Formating &
Layout) PREFERED: Themes Layer (Color Selection)-->
 <link class="speech" href="url/Speaker.css" rel="pronunciation"
/><!--Alternate Stylesheet for Media-Type: Speech-->
 <link class="print" href="url/Printer.css" media="print and (color), print
and (monochrome)" rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" />
 <link class="horizontal" href="url/Horizontal.css" media="all and
(orientation: landscape)" rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" />
 <link class="vertical" href="url/Vertical.css" media="all and
(orientation: portrait)" rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" />
 <link class="screen" href="url/Browser.css" media="screen and (color),
screen and (monochrome)" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
 <link class="sepia" href="url/Color-Sepia.css" media="screen and (color)"
rel="stylesheet" title="Color: Sepia" type="text/css" />
 <link class="day" href="url/Color-Day.css" media="all and (color)"
title="Color: Day" type="text/css" />
 <link class="night" href="url/Color-Night.css" media="all and
(color)" rel="stylesheet"
title="Color: Night" type="text/css" />
 <link class="day" href="url/Gray-Day.css" media="all and
(monochrome)" rel="stylesheet"
title="Gray: Day" type="text/css" />
 <link class="night" href="url/Gray-Night.css" media="all and (monochrome)"
rel="stylesheet" title="Gray: Night" type="text/css" />
</head><!--PERSISTANT: [Browser] ALTERNATE: [Speaker] or [Orientation
(Print/Screen)] PREFERED: [Color (Sepia)] or [Color/Gray (Day/Night)]-->

Important: In this model, each “title” must be different.  (7 through 10
cannot be rel="alternate stylesheet" with the same 'title' as 6)
Observation: Trident shows all five PREFERED choices, while Gecko seems to
validate screen="color" so only shows three.

And if ‘Appendix B’ was changed to something like: (minus opinions of

<head><!--Media Queries only occur inside Stylesheets (WebKit Validation)-->
 <title>*WebKit Matrix*</title><!--Default on Android and iOS Devices, as
well as Apple's Safari and Google's Chrome-->
 <link class="webkit" href="url/Output.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
/><!--PERSISTANT--><!--Opinion="Cumbersome, but Doable"-->
 <link class="webkit" href="url/Themes.css" rel="stylesheet" title="Themes"
type="text/css" /><!--PREFERED--><!--Opinion="Big, Fat, & Ugly"-->
</head><!--No ALTERNATE Stylesheets-->

Including examples of how to use @media and/or @import to function with
this model.

I believe my logic is sound, please let me know if I've made any errors.

Thanks for your consideration...

Bryce Otis

Received on Thursday, 27 November 2014 15:51:08 UTC