Re: [selectors] Assistance requested in figuring out the data model of pseudo-elements

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 9:56 AM, François REMY
<> wrote:
> ± A "generator of a disjunction" makes :matches() a special syntax form, not a
> ± real pseudo-class.  That would be somewhat easier, but it would also be
> ± weird.  Dunno if I wanna go down that road.
> Also, it's not a disjunction. If it was, the following two would be equivalent:
>         a:matches(.b c, .d e)
>         a.b c, a.d e
> If I understood the situation correctly, they are not.

No, it's more complicated than that.  Let's rephrase in explicit
AND/OR terms, to make it clear how it's in DNF:

(a AND .b c) OR (a AND .d e)

It's a disjunction of conjunctions.


Received on Wednesday, 26 November 2014 18:00:36 UTC