RE: [CSS2.1] Flow control interop

> IE is actually correct since the margin of the cleared element, which is the
> issue, should be maintained. There is nothing in the spec that says the margin
> of a box should be thrown out in this case. What FF/Blink/Webkit are doing is
> incorrectly throwing out the margin-top and this prevents the entire
> properties use. This is a really big issue. As an example if there is text, as is
> the common case of floats and clear, we see that all browsers are consistent
> This to me seems like FF/Blink/Webkit are
> buggy when there is no text or previous content before the float.

Agreed, they are inconsistent and that is why I am asking them to align on something, preferably us since we do have the consistency and spec compliance (thanks for pointing out the errata). But the important question is, is Gecko/Blink/Webkit willing to align with IE on this?


Received on Saturday, 15 November 2014 20:42:02 UTC