Re: [css-grid] Overlapping elements & backgrounds


I've been implementing the box alignment spec on grid, so I'd like to
clarify some points.

First of all, I the 'stretch' value implementation patch just landed
today on trunk, so I'd doubt the behavior  described in this thread has
anything to do with it. However, I think it's actually a bug in the grid
track sizing algorithm. We will investigate it but it'd be great if you
can file a bug.

On 11/01/2014 11:32 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> I think I got the wrong info by looking at the latest CSS Align "ED". The current CSS Align "WD" specifies the Chrome's behavior.
> Sigh, /TR is TRash, etc.  It's very possible that our implementors
> went off of the (older, obsoleted) WD instead.  File a bug, please?

Current implementation of 'stretch' follows the WD specification; it may
contains bugs, though.



Received on Monday, 3 November 2014 15:52:14 UTC