[css-scoping][css-regions][shadow-dom] Scoped Styles Module

So, Tab and I sat down to talk about Shadow DOM stuff today, and
wound up talking also about the relationship of that stuff to
other scoped styling stuff.

So we've put it all together in a single spec draft now, with the
working title of "CSS Scoping Module Level 1".

It consists of three sections:

   Scoped Styles
     This references <style scoped>, ties together the various
     scoping rules in Selectors and Cascade, and also introduces
     an @scope {} at-rule for scoping parts of the style sheet
     with CSS syntax. (We'd been planning to write this bit for
     awhile. It fits nicely here.)

   Shadow DOM Styling
     This is contents of the much-debated Shadow DOM Styling ED,
     with some updates based on recent discussion at Google --
     the current version uses the following selectors:
       ::shadow (formerly ^)
       /deep/   (formerly ^^)
       :host-context() (formerly :ancestor())
     and thankfully trashes the :top awkwardness.

   Fragment-based Styling
     This is currently just a copy-paste of the Region-based
     Styling spec that Alan wrote, along with some Issues.
     The goal is to extend it to handle styling for regions,
     pages, columns, overflow fragments, and ::first-line.
     Our action item was to put it in Cascade L4, but this
     spec seems like a much better fit.

The draft is up at

We look forward to your feedback, and hope the WG will approve
of the rearranging, even if some of the technical bits are still
under debate. =)

~fantasai and TJ

Received on Friday, 21 March 2014 00:14:23 UTC