Re: [css-text] Control characters

On 6/30/14, 3:22 PM, Brad Kemper wrote:
> I will readily cede your implied point that it might not be what software developers are used to

No, you didn't get my point.  My point is that if you write a word on 
your website and your browser shows it as a word but Google's spider 
doesn't think it's a word, you will be unhappy.

Your website's users will similarly be unhappy when they try and 
copy/paste the word into their word processor or mail client, and so forth.

That is to say, there is a tension here between browsers fixing up 
broken sites for their users and web sites playing nice with the larger 
text-processing ecosystem that exists in the world, and it's possible to 
actually make things worse for users and authors by covering up issues 
that would completely break other tools they rely on.

> My viewpoint is informed by how I think users (first) and web authors (second) are best served.

So is mine.


Received on Monday, 30 June 2014 19:28:25 UTC