Re: [css-figures][css-multicol][css-overflow] Ten CSS One-Liners to Replace Native Apps

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 6:14 AM, Rafał Pietrak <> wrote:
> W dniu 26.07.2014 18:38, Brad Kemper pisze:
> [--------------]
>> I think this would be expressed in CSS as an auto-width, auto-height
>> container, with forced breaks at the end of each article, and
>> 'overflow:paged-x'. But I don't know how you would get something similar if
>> you wanted fixed height pages on the desktop that scrolled normally within
>> each article, with vertical scrollbars as needed when the article was taller
>> than the fixed height page. Is that possible? How would you do that
>> otherwise, where each page was exactly one article? Would that only work
>> with 'article { height: auto; }?
> Speaking as an ocassional web-pages author: I would apreaciate if I could
> css-declare: "body {column-count:1}", and as a consequence get an "e-book
> reader" like page behavior, meaning:

Unfortunately, that's impossible; display:block is already
"column-compatible", and has a column-count of 1, effectively.  Also,
multicol is already "broken" on continuous media like screens, because
it doesn't do the hard-wrapping at screen height.  We almost certainly
can't alter it at this point, due to legacy usage.  We'd have to
introduce something new to trigger this kind of behavior instead.

(I agree that something like would be great, though.  I'd love to read
fic on my laptop with a decent column-based display, rather than
having to continually scroll.)


Received on Sunday, 27 July 2014 19:21:29 UTC