[CSS21] Existing tests that need changes

> ChrisL: Also, how do we find existing tests that might need changes?

The short answer

in Shepherd, search for tests that have the Status field set to Need 
Works and, to refine your search, have the Whiteboard field set to 
[NeedsWork=Incorrect] and/or [NeedsWork=Precision] and/or 


[NeedsWork=Incorrect] for necessary changes: sometimes the test should 
be rejected and replaced by a correct test, sometimes the test code 
should be corrected

returns 66 tests with 52 from/authored by Microsoft


[NeedsWork=Precision] for less important changes (often - but not always 
- involving fractional pixel or non-dividable computed font size by 5px 
without a remainer)

returns 78 tests with 59 from/authored by Microsoft


[NeedsWork=Format] for minor change (test is valid but does not meet 
some Test Format Guidelines).

returns 42 tests with 23 from/authored by Microsoft


Rejected Microsoft tests:
returns 31 tests from/authored by Microsoft


The long answer

Any test that has the Status field set to "Submitted for Review" 
(previously "Awaiting for Review") [1] and, to a lesser degree, 
"Resubmitted for Review" might need changes.

returns 1010 tests.

returns 156 tests.

And there is also tests with Status field set to "Rejected": the 
original author has to read the comments, feedback and then agree to 
remove the tests or move it to a CSS3 module (eg tests involving 
'display: run-in').

were originally reviewed by me as incorrect tests and then, on top of 
this, the spec changed. So, these 3 tests are in need of changes, 

And there are some ('table-layout: fixed' and 'visibility: collapse') 
tests I authored that I know will/must arise a spec issue.


Received on Thursday, 30 January 2014 22:45:10 UTC