Re: [css-gcpm][css-figures] float-offset & line rhythms

On 1/25/14, 4:34 PM, "Håkon Wium Lie" <> wrote:

>Alan Stearns wrote:
> > The CSSWG already has a line grid module. I think it would be
> > better to pursue this feature there than in your books spec
>The CSS WG already had modules that addessed the use cases for
>regions. I think it would be better to pursue those features there
>than in your regions spec.

I was trying to be polite.

You don’t provide a complete definition of either property in your spec.
The description of the ‘root’ rhythm buried in a note (which I believe is
not normative) and is contradicted by the value definition. You do not
describe what happens when line boxes do not align with their element’s
rhythm. Your example illustrations do not match their prose. Instead of
attempting to specify by example, you could try adding normative prose
that describes the feature and use the examples to point out the
implications of the normative prose.

You asked for suggestions - I suggest you fix these problems before you
ask for feedback.



Received on Sunday, 26 January 2014 01:08:54 UTC