Issue and resolution tracking


I’d like to talk about this at the next face-to-face in Seattle.

I think we have too many ways issues and resolutions get 
reported/recorded and tracked.

* This www-style mailing list
* In-spec issues
* Tracker
* W3C’s Bugzilla
* Various text files in the Mercurial repository
* Various wiki pages
* Maybe others that I haven’t discovered yet?

Most (not all!) of our specs recommend sending feedback to www-style. 
Here is what I read about this today, from two different people.

> few people seem to keep close enough track of mailing lists to ensure
> that everything gets resolved

> /me assumes www-style is as reliable an issue tracker as /dev/null

While "/dev/null" is exaggerated, there definitely has been relevant 
feedback that is now lost in the list’s archives.

I’ve also seen WG consensus and a resolution recorded years ago to do 
something that hasn’t happened yet, because we forgot.

I don’t mean to blame this on anyone, but we can do better. What I’d 
like to happen is that we pick one system for collecting feedback, track 
issues, and record resolutions. The mailing list doesn’t count. If the 
entire group can not agree on which system to pick, at least have one 
(no more!) per spec (chosen by the editors) and point to it from the 
spec headers.

Simon Sapin

Received on Monday, 13 January 2014 21:04:47 UTC