Re: [css-ruby] Should CSS Ruby be consistent with HTML5 Ruby?

On 01/09/2014 08:15 AM, Taichi KAWABATA wrote:
> Actually, in HTML5 ruby, ruby-base-container may be split by ruby texts
> (e.g. <ruby>A<rt>a</rt>B</rt>b</ruby>), and thus they are described as a
> list of DOM ranges. I'm afraid that the existance fo ruby-base-container
> may cause a misunderstanding that ruby bases exist as a single DOM range.

In the current CSS ruby model, this creates two ruby-base-containers,
and two ruby-text-containers, each containing one ruby base/text box.

To put two ruby bases in a single ruby-base-container, you must place
them side by side:



Received on Thursday, 9 January 2014 20:26:02 UTC