Re: CSS variable syntax

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 7:41 AM, Mark Volkmann <>wrote:

> I don't see how referring to them as properties instead of variables
> helps. There is still one syntax for setting them and one for getting them.
> People are going to want to understand why it's good for it to be this way.
> Many will be coming from LESS and Sass where it is not this way.

With the recent syntax change I think this is not hard to explain.

You set a property like all properties are set:

--foo: <value>

In css, functions are how you represent a value that is not a literal. E.g.
attr(). So it's not hard to explain why the var() accessor function exists.


It's the same key in both cases. And seeing as how CSS has already used
almost every special character[1] I can see on my keyboard right now, I
think I'm ok with it not adding another sigil.

Chris Eppstein
Sass Core Team Member

[1]: Only $, &, ?, <, `, and = are left. Note that $ was explicitly
rejected here because CSS custom properties behave so differently from Sass

Received on Thursday, 3 April 2014 15:58:29 UTC