Re: [css-figures] how do float:bottom elements stack?

Morten Stenshorne wrote:

 > Alan Stearns <> writes:
 > > Section 2.4 has some examples where before clearing is applied,
 > That has become section 2.5 by now, it seems?

After the latest commit, it's in section 2.7. But the URL remains constant:

 > > two float:bottom elements stack at the bottom of a column. The
 > > examples do not make it clear which gray box corresponds to which
 > > element, and I don't see any text that describes how the new page
 > > floats stack.
 > I think the idea should be that these floats follow rules analogous to
 > those for regular left/right CSS 2.1 floats.

Yes. I've added text to this effect.

 > has 9 rules for
 > float behaviour. Rule 2 and 3 in particular:
 >       "2. If the current box is left-floating, and there are any
 >       left-floating boxes generated by elements earlier in the source
 >       document, then for each such earlier box, either the left outer
 >       edge of the current box must be to the right of the right outer
 >       edge of the earlier box, or its top must be lower than the bottom
 >       of the earlier box. Analogous rules hold for right-floating
 >       boxes."
 >       "3. The right outer edge of a left-floating box may not be to the
 >       right of the left outer edge of any right-floating box that is
 >       next to it. Analogous rules hold for right-floating elements."
 > I tried to whip together some exact rules for these floats when we
 > implemented it in Presto (they were called GCPM floats back then) here:

These notes are very good. I hope to borrow from the as the spec
matures. For the moment, I try to reconcile the versious models for
page floats in Antenna House, Prince and Opera.

 > Rule 9 and 10 in that document:
 >      "9. The top/bottom margin edge of a top/bottom aligned GCPM float may
 >      not be above/below the top/bottom edge of the pane in which it is
 >      positioned."
 >      "10. A top/bottom aligned GCPM float that has another top/bottom
 >      GCPM float above/below it may not have its bottom/top margin edge
 >      below/above the bottom/top edge of the pane in which it is
 >      positioned."
 > A better term than "pane" is probably "fragmentainer", BTW.
 > Note that the spec has evolved since it was implemented and documented
 > in Presto; in particular, we no longer have complicated values like
 > "top-corner-next-page". But maybe the rules here can serve as an
 > inspiration for the spec nevertheless.
 > > If I have two float:bottom elements:
 > >
 > > <p style="float:bottom;">A</p>
 > > <p style="float:bottom;">B</p>
 > >
 > > Does the visual order match the source order, or do bottom floats stack
 > > bottom-up (a bit like right floats stack right-to-left)? In other words,
 > > does the markup above render as
 > >
 > >
 > > A
 > > B
 > >
 > > Or 
 > >
 > > B
 > > A
 > So it should be:
 > B
 > A


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2013 20:29:17 UTC