Re: [css3-break] Force-breaking around floats

On 11/19/13 7:25 AM, "Mihai Balan" <> wrote:

>Hey there!
>I recently began playing with floats and fragmentation (in regions mainly)
>and I stumbled across some situations where neither the spec nor my
>common-sense proved helpful enough. Here's a couple of them, maybe we can
>work out something clear and reasonable :)
>    1. What should happen when a float contains a forced break (e.g. an
>element *inside* the float has `break-after: always`)? I suspect it should
>break, but exactly how does that look and how the resulting float
>fragments interact with the rest of the content (fragments) is something
>that I feel is likely to blow up in our face.

It should break, and section 5.1 [1] attempts to deal with some of the
implications of this. The examples use unforced breaks, but where an
unforced break could occur you should be able to force a break.
>    2. What should happen when a float has a forced break before or after
>it? Since we're talking about breaking points, this question actually
>comes in two flavours:
>      a. the floated element itself has `break-before: always` or
>`break-after: always`
>      b. the element before or after the float has `break-after: always`
>or `break-before: always` set
>    The fragmentation spec states that "User agents *should* also apply
>these properties to floated boxes [©]". However, the implications of
>applying or not breaks on floats boundaries are not listed anywhere. The
>thing that's most unclear to me is: for a UA that applies forced breaks on
>a float boundary, in which fragmentainer would the float be rendered?
>    Also, since forced breaks are actually properties of a "point" between
>boxes and not properties of a box (or element), I doubt it even makes
>sense to make applying breaks around floats optional.

I don't know the reason for making this optional on floated boxes, but I'm
not sure I understand the question you're asking. If a float would
normally render in fragment container 1, and the floated element itself
has "break-before:always" or the element before the float has
"break-after:always" I assume the float would render in fragment container
2. Is there an ambiguity I'm missing?

>Regarding #1 above, I think the sane and simple way would be to just
>ignore forced breaks inside floats. As for #2, I'd refrain from making any
>proposal before validating/discussing the issue with other people.




Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2013 19:08:39 UTC