Re: [css-text] 'hanging-punctuation' comments

(2013/11/13 12:44), Koji Ishii wrote:
> On 11/13/13 7:35 AM, "Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu" <> wrote:
>> No. I am confused again. Suppose now you have the text "我要,吃飯。" to
>> flow into a 3em block container with 'hanging-punctuation: force-end'
>> but *not* 'text-align: justify'. You would get
>>  |我要,|
>>  |吃飯。|
>> but then, 'hanging-punctuation: force-end' says that the fullwidth comma
>> has zero advance width so the next character could fit into the previous
>> line so it should (probably) go into it:
>>  |我要吃|
>>  |飯。  |
>> with '吃' on top of the fullwidth comma. But now, the fullwidth comma
>> isn't at the end of the line so this should now go back to the former.
>> Is there an infinite loop here?
> No, because a character advance width is not measured only if the
> character _hangs_.
> Since you specified 'force-end', a comma at the end edge is not measured,
> but a comma in the middle of a line is measured, so you can't fit the 4th
> char ('吃') into the first line.

Why is that "," in

>>  |我要,|   ('text-align' is 'left')
>>  |吃飯。|

not at the end edge? And why is this "," in

    |我  要|, ('text-align' is 'justify')

at the end edge?

I think the problem has to do when and how "endless" is determined and
that's what I qustion whether we should define or not. I am a bit picky
here and I haven't come up with an example that has doesn't have a
"natural" solution so I am fine with whatever resolution this gets.

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Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2013 05:26:39 UTC