Re: [css3-regions] Changed @region rule to ::region() pseudo-element

On 5/24/13 8:54 AM, "Brad Kemper" <> wrote:

>On May 23, 2013, at 5:24 PM, Alan Stearns <> wrote:
>> The main difference between ::first-line and region styling is that the
>> former has a single selector and the latter combines two selectors.
>Right. Which is one of the things that makes it hard to read as a
>pseodo-element. Another difference is that with '::first-line', one rule
>with the pseudo-element tacked to the end is generally enough for setting
>the font, text, and color properties for the thing you want to style. But
>for regions and pages, there may be many things you want to select for a
>variety of style changes for when they appear within that fragmentainer.
>And these are huge reasons, to my mind, to not try to shoehorn region
>styling into something like first-line's pseudo-element structure.
>> It
>> made sense to me to put the fragment container selector first, but it
>> could be reversed I suppose. So this syntax from the current draft:
>> <region-selector>::region(<content-selector>) {}
>> Would become:
>> <content-selector>::region(<region-selector>) {}
>> Or
>> <content-selector>::fragment(<region-selector>) {}
>That would be confusing, since "fragment" describes the thing inside the
>fragmentainer. Doesn't it? I think it would be less confusing thusly:
><content-selector>::fragmentainer(<region-selector>) {}

Just as ::first-line is selecting a portion of the content, ::fragment
would select the portion of the content that falls inside the container(s)
matched by the <region-selector>. The pseudo-element is modifying the
<content-selector>, so I think 'fragment' works. I'm reading this:

<content-selector>::fragment(<region-selector>) {}


"the content's fragment that is rendered inside this region"

I'd object to adding the term 'fragmentainer' to the syntax.



Received on Friday, 24 May 2013 16:09:53 UTC