Re: [css4-ui] ::placeholder and :placeholder feedback

On 5/6/13 11:00 AM, "Tab Atkins Jr." <> wrote:

>On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Sylvain Galineau <>
>> On 5/6/13 10:14 AM, "Tab Atkins Jr." <> wrote:
>>>The ::value pseudo-element doesn't meaningfully exist, though.  If
>>>we'd *like* it to exist, then we can talk about its interaction with
>>>::placeholder, and whether ::value+:placeholder-shown is a sufficient
>>>replacement for ::placeholder.
>> I have no idea what 'meaningful existence'…means; ::value remains
>> defined in css3-ui [1] (though at risk). I do not see any language that
>> suggests it will be removed vs. moved up to level 4.
>> This feedback thus applies until this is clarified.
>> [1]

>Unfortunately, UI isn't a reliable spec to look at for this kind of
>data.  It contains several things which aren't implemented, and which
>aren't planned on being implemented, but which Tantek is keeping in
>this level for some reason.
>It's been my impression that ::value was not a "real" thing, for some
>reasonable definition of "real" which allows us to build other
>features on top of it.

Note that this feedback is actually independent of whether or not there is
::value pseudo-element. The *expectation* that, in most cases, the layout
of the placeholder is reflected by the value and vice-versa is imo
regardless of whether/how you can select them.

Otherwise I can't really comment on anyone's impressions, or make
on a spec's reliability. I will provide feedback on the specs we have and
WG's resolutions as they stand. css3-ui specifies ::value (which one
browser - IE10 - implements behind its vendor prefix). I'll let the editor
back to us.

Received on Monday, 6 May 2013 19:42:43 UTC