[css3-exclusions] What inline content does shape-inside affect?

Hey all,

The definition of shape-inside [1] says that it affects inline flow
content. This is a bit too vague. If it only affects direct inline
children of an element, that would not be very useful (paragraphs would
break out of the shape). So we need to define more precisely which inline
descendants are affected by the shape.

There are two options I'm considering. The first makes shape-inside work a
bit like floats, and the second makes shape-inside work like an exclusion.
The main difference is that a float does not affect the inline descendants
of a block formatting context, and an exclusion does.

A: Make shape-inside work a bit like floats:

1. In-flow line boxes are constrained by the shape
2. Block boxes that are not BFCs ignore the shape
3. In-flow block formatting contexts must not intersect the shape

B: Make shape-inside work like an exclusion:

Shape-inside contributes the area outside its shape as an exclusion area
for the element's wrapping context. The in-flow line boxes of all
descendants would be affected by the shape unless wrap-through:none is




[1] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-exclusions/#shape-inside-property

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2013 01:10:25 UTC