RE: The :min-width/:max-width pseudo-classes

> But fundamentally, this would just give the layout behavior of <iframe>
> without the separate Window and without the ugliness of <iframe srcdoc>,
> right? Are we trying to avoid the former, the latter, or both? ;)

The <iframe> layout behavior is exactly what I'm trying to achieve so that's not that strange ^_^

The reason why the <iframe> tag doesn't do the trick for many uses cases are multiple, but includes the memory pressure induced by the new script context and the new document, the fact you can't reuse the same named flow and css regions across frames and that it's impossible to use Web Components's insertion points inside an iframe embedded document. The last thing is that you can't cross-match elements using CSS from the outer document.

I feel like this is compelling enough to be worth pursuing. 		 	   		  

Received on Friday, 22 March 2013 19:06:28 UTC