Re: [css3-fonts] @font-face font-family names used in other @font-face rules

Clearly I was too slow in my reply. :)

On 4 March 2013 19:24, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> Oh!  In that case, you do indeed need control over the CSS.  For most
> (all?) of the font-hosting services, though, you can indeed do that -
> just copy their CSS file manually into your own (possibly adjusting
> links as required, if they're relative), and add a unicode-range
> descriptor.

This doesn't quite work without some tweaks, because Google Web Fonts
(and probably others) take care of browser inconsistencies for you.
But it's doable.

> That said, this does sound like a sufficient use-case to consider
> adding a third type of source into the 'src' descriptor, which
> explicitly refers to fonts exposed through @font-face.

Perhaps with something like font-family-src, even, as in the example I
just gave.

My guess is that it would require the use of @import over <link>, due
to parallelism issues?

Received on Monday, 4 March 2013 19:40:26 UTC