Re: [css3-fonts] @font-face font-family names used in other @font-face rules

Le 02/03/2013 23:50, Adam Prescott a écrit :
> As you all know, the @font-face rule allows a new font-family name to
> be defined, and the src property defines where the font can be found.
> However, there is no way to "chain" @font-face rules together, I
> believe. If there is, I couldn't find it in the current CSS Fonts
> module spec.

If I understand correctly, you’d like something like an additional 
webfont() function (or one with your favorite name) for the 'src' 
descriptor of @font-face rules, to refer to other @font-face rules.

This is probably not impossible, but as you note there are many corner 
cases to get right: if one of the web fonts fail to load, if web fonts 
refer to each other in a cycle, …

> Let me give a use-case, which I described in a blog post elsewhere[1].
> Google Web Fonts (or some other third party) may have provided a
> @font-face rule via a <script> or @import, which would have the effect
> of giving this CSS:
>    @font-face {
>      font-family: FooBar;
>      src: local("Foo Bar"), url("...") format("...");
>    }
> In your own CSS, you may wish to use unicode-range to restrict the
> styling of FooBar to only certain characters (in this case, &):
>    @font-face {
>      font-family: Baz;
>      src: local("FooBar"); /* doesn't work */
>      unicode-range: U+26;
>    }

Is this case, I think the fix really should be for Google to allow you 
to specify unicode-range for the CSS they generate in Web Fonts. This 
issue does not exist if you control all stylesheets.

I’m not convinced there is a use case strong enough to justify the 
complexity in CSS itself.

Simon Sapin

Received on Monday, 4 March 2013 15:33:27 UTC