Re: [css-fonts] proposal needed for synthesizing oblique fonts in vertical text

Koji Ishii <> wrote on 2013/05/22 20:57:57
> > In my mind, the look and usage of a font face with real italics should not differ from one
> > made via synthetic obliquing, regardless of the writing mode and text orientation.
> Agreed. That's one technical issue of the option #3. But as you must be aware of, it only occurs when a) Latin fonts with Italic face built-in is used as the first font in the font list, b) text-orienttion:upright is applied, and c) ASCII code points are used instead of full-width code points. It's really rare, I hope you agree on this point.

I think "it only occurs ..." is not true -- even with text-orienttion:mixed, some characters in Latin fonts are set upright, e.g., §, †, ‡, ©, ® are vo=U in UTR50 and these have usually italic glyphs.
And we also have to consider tate-chu-yoko (text-combine-horizontal). Tate-chu-yoko characters and normal characters should have consistent italic shape.

I think the sloped "down to the right" synthetic obliquing for ideographic characters is very bad option because of the inconsistency with real italic, and also people dislike this because "down to the right" means "decline", "disheartened", "depressed" -- it might be useful for representing heart-broken with this style, but '<em>disheartening text</em>' would be not good markup :)

There are twitter discussion about this topic (in Japanese). See


Shinyu Murakami
Antenna House

Received on Wednesday, 5 June 2013 21:02:13 UTC