Re: inline-block baseline when the baseline would be outside of the element

Any verdict on this? Webkit & Blink bugs or change from the 2.1 spec as

I encountered a problem myself today which relates to this baseline issue,
in the context of an early grid concept at,
which can be used as a relevant "counter-case".

I use a bottom margin on border-box(es) across the grid by default, with
overflow: hidden;
I thought at first glance that there was a 'double bottom margin' issue in
IE in the "Inline Blocks" section.
Then this stackoverflow question [1],  webkit bug report [2] brought me
reading this entire thread.

All I can say is that in my use case it's feel very odd to have to apply
'overflow:visible' to address the double margin in IE and FF,  and to be
able to wrap inline-block(s) vertically with a margin. That prevents an
otherwise useful 'overflow:hidden' on inline-block(s).

And 'overflow: hidden;' is commonly applied to clear floatsŠ In this case it
creates a rather annoying inline-block wrapping issue with possible unwanted
overflows which is awkward.

So when it comes to issue [3] is feels that webkit has a bug, while in my
case and case [1] is feels as if FF and IE have it wrong. In that sense
either arguments can be considered valid depending on the context.

Could the baseline perhaps be interpreted differently depending to the
initial nature of the element used?

i.e. If it's a 'span' element (inline by default) set as
display:inline-block, it uses the IE/FF behavior keeping the baseline inside
the element. But it's a 'div' element (of block element by default), if
would use the current webkit behavior and put the baseline outside the
normal flow, relative to the block?

This would prioritize either the 'inline' or 'block' sides of 'inline-block'
according to the initial default of the element used. I think that's
conundrum posed here by 'inline-block' and the current spec vs changing it.

Is what I am suggesting doable? Or make sense?



Received on Friday, 19 July 2013 07:33:26 UTC