RE: [cssom] Identifying types and shorthand and unsupported properties

± >>>It could be possible to instruct the browser to keep some properties
± >>>even if he does not understand them, as an opt-in:
± >>>
± >>> @polyfill background-3d-distance {
± >>> cascade: true;
± >>> inherit: false;
± >>> initial: 0px
± >>> }
± >>>
± >>>That would however only work at a style-sheet level (if you have
± >>>multiple stylesheets, you need to specify this in each one of them,
± >>>before any declaration).
± >>>
± >>>
± >>>Thoughts?
± >>
± >> Well, if this rule can be at the end of all your stylesheets then
± >> you'd better keep all the properties if you don't want to reparse...
± >
± >Okay, let's add some @coffee at-rule at the end of the reply and let
± >Sylvain reparse the mail :-)
± >
± >hint: "at the stylesheet level" ... "before any declaration"
± Doh :) I think we're getting way ahead of ourselves though...

The current IE behavior is nice but the fact it doesn't support inheritance nor correct default values can be annoying. I like the idea of being able to tell the browser how to handle the property; we could probably even go as far as giving the polyfilled property a type so the browser could animate it using smooth transitions {and ignore invalid declarations}.

Received on Sunday, 14 July 2013 16:15:31 UTC