Re: [css-lists] size of images used as list-style-image

Le 01/07/2013 16:11, Leif Arne Storset a écrit :
>> This involves a 'specified size' (which is not set for anonymous images
>> in the 'content' property), the 'intrinsic size' of the image (gradients
>> don’t have any) and the 'default size' which depends on the context, 1em
>> by 1em for list markers.
> I think this should be defined explicitly in Lists. CSS Images 3 gets this
> length for the default object size by interpreting CSS 2.1 as defining it,
> but that reasoning is in an example and if Lists is to supersede CSS 2.1
> it should state the default object size directly.

Agreed, Lists 3 should define the default object size of images defined 
with the 'list-style-image' property, and perhaps override that of 
images defined with the 'content' property when used on the ::marker 

Simon Sapin

Received on Monday, 1 July 2013 15:41:48 UTC