[css-counter-styles-3] cjk-ideographic: trad-chinese-formal or -informal ?

http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-counter-styles-3 currently says:

  # cjk-ideographic
  #   This counter style is identical to ‘trad-chinese-formal’

whereas previous versions (css3-lists, css-counter-styles) said

  # ... must be treated as an alias for ‘trad-chinese-informal’

(The change happened somewhere between 2011-04-22 and 2012-09-24,
before the rename from css-counter-styles to css-counter-styles-3.)

The browsers I've tested use -informal, and a couple of web pages suggest that
other people are seeing it displayed like -informal in their web browser, and
I've seen a couple of test suites that assert that the behaviour (for a handful
of values) matches -informal rather than -formal.  Searching www-style for
strings "cjk-ideographic" and "formal", I see a thread where a couple of people
suggest it map to -informal, and no mention of it mapping to -formal.  In
summary, I've found no mention of it mapping to -formal anywhere outside of
this spec.  So my guess is that this is a typo.

If this is a deliberate change, then I suggest adding a note drawing attention
to the change.


Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2013 09:10:04 UTC