Re: [css3-multicol] unknown available width and shrink-to-fit

Simon Sapin wrote:

 > I see "css3-multicol: how can we speed up the REC?" as a proposed topic 
 > for the F2F agenda. But this issue (which was discussed at TPAC in 
 > October) has not moved this my message quoted below.

I'd like to move multicol to REC as well. It's a mature spec that has
several mature implementation.

>From my persepctive as editor, this is the TODO list:

 1) copy Bert's proposed clarification from this message:

 2) review Anton's comments

    and edit accordingly

 3) encourage people to review the tests that have been submitted for review:

I belive Opera and IE's implementations together fullfill
implementation requirements. There are others, too.

There's still Simon's issue which I struggle to understand. It would
be great if a whiteboard discussion between Bert and Anton in Tuscon
will resolve the matter with minimal impact on the specification.

I'm available to call in when multicol is on the agenda.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 4 February 2013 15:40:46 UTC