RE: [cssom] Proposal for obtaining robust style information via Javascript - getStyle()

<sorry, I forgot to include the links>

> > What I'm not convinced about is an API that has a polymorphic "immutable
> > string or live object" return type, because that seems like a footgun (e.g.
> > saving the return value and then checking it later has different behavior
> > depending on which flavor of the API you managed to call).
> >
> > David's proposed API does not have that problem.
> Yeah, I like David's API a lot.

Me too, FWIW. It reminds me of 'style', 'runtimeStyle' and 'currentStyle' of IE. 

BTW, while we are at it, it's maybe the good time to support the 'override' style level (more or less 'runtimeStyle' of IE)? It allows to style a pseudo element directly but the implementation is a stub in webkit (returns null) and is not implemented in any other browser (IE's runtimeStyle is not able to target pseudo elements). 		 	   		  

Received on Friday, 1 February 2013 20:11:32 UTC