Re: [cssom] Serializing url values

Hi Tab,

>The "serialize a URL" idiom is just a definition invoked locally by
>the spec.  When you serialize a CSS value, use the
>#serialize-a-css-value definition; the <uri> clause defines how to
>serialize it.  (It just invokes the "serialize a URL" definition.)

Looking back over the spec, it looks like my confusion stemmed from
misreading the line
<uri> The absolute URL URL escaped [1]

I read ³URL escaped² as ³URL encoded² rather than ³serialized as a url²
[2], which is what the spec links to.
If this is a common misreading, it might be worth changing the language to
something along the lines of:
<uri> The absolute URL, serialized
But, it could just be me.

Thanks again for clearing this up for me.



Received on Tuesday, 17 December 2013 18:34:02 UTC