Re: [css3-fonts] font-size-adjust auto issue

On 2013-08-26 13:30 (GMT+1000) Andrew Cunningham composed:

> But what you are assuming is that ALL users can set default fonts for the
> languages or scripts that they use. Which is an assumption that also does
> not hold water.

I guess you missed my point. What I wrote was supposed to mean was that 
whatever few user agents that fail to provide the essential configurability 
that is selectability of suitable default font family and size are not only 
rare, but doomed to swift and deserved death, if not stillborn, or at best, 
rarely used by ordinary web users, who will find a way to have whatever they 
really need, as opposed to the far less compelling urge to satisfy mere desires.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Received on Monday, 26 August 2013 03:59:04 UTC