Re: [cssom][css-page] Fixes for properly exposing @page in CSSOM

Le 21/08/2013 12:31, Simon Pieters a écrit :
> My idea with this split was that we could reuse the machinery from
> CSSStyleDeclaration for descriptors in e.g. @font-face. I still think this
> can make sense for @font-face since descriptors and properties are similar
> enough that they could be represented with the same interface in CSSOM.

I agree this would make more sense than for @page, but I’m not convinced 
this is a good idea. (I just don’t like CSSStyleDeclaration’s design.)

How would it be better than the current definition of CSSFontFaceRule?

Simon Sapin

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 11:46:10 UTC