[css-regions] Comments on extract-list-items-013.html (+others)


I've managed to try my css-regions polyfill on a first w3c test, and I already face a disagreement between mine and webkit's implementation... Not sure if it's good news or not :-)

Basically, the issue arises when you put in a named flows orphaned <LI> items. My implementation (w3test/extract-list-items-013.html) and reference (w3tests/extract-list-items-013-ref.html) both agrees that the markers of the <LI> elements should be inside the parent region, with no prior margin.

However, in webkit (w3tests/extract-list-items-013-webkit.html) and in the test suite reference (w3tests/extract-list-items-013-ref-2.html), the markers are outside the region. 

To achieve this result in the reference, a special <OL style="padding:0; margin:0"> element was introduced between the region and the orphaned <LI>s. Can someone point me to the relevant parts of the CSS Regions spec (or any other spec) that covers the insertion of a virual OL element, and what's his rationale?


Received on Thursday, 1 August 2013 17:58:49 UTC