Re: [css4-pseudo] The need for more powerful pseudo elements

Decorators, shadow DOM and all of that is all very interesting, and opens
up many possibilities, but they're quite complicated proposals and verbose
in syntax. If I'm a styling a web page, the bother of implementing a
decorator to allow me to add a drop-shadow or some other minor visual
enhancement probably won't be worth it. I'll probably just end up adding
another span to my markup if I've used up my quota of ::before and ::after

I think inline box generation within pure CSS is still a very relevant
need. I think CSS zen garden serves as a good example where decorators
would probably be useless. Decorators use HTML, therefore, if you have a
situation where you cannot modify or add HTML, decorators are going to be
of little use.

Also, if ordinals are such a pain in the ass (I don't really like them
myself), is there any particular reason why ::before and ::after can't be
named, e.g. span::after(shadow) { } or span::after("my shadow") { }?


Received on Monday, 29 April 2013 22:59:46 UTC