Re: [css3-page][css3-gcpm] implementation coverage

Le 08/04/2013 10:34, Håkon Wium Lie a écrit :
> CSS3-Page and CSS3-GCPM contain features needed for paged & printed
> documents. I've created a test document to assess current
> implementation coverage:
> The document tests features from CSS3-page (margin boxes, page
> numbers), and CSS3-GCPM (running headers & footers, running elements,
> footnotes, leaders, cross-references, spanning columns, bookmarks,
> page floats, crop and cross marks, bleed area, CMYK colors, and the
> styling of blank pages).
> The document can be interoperably rendered by two implemenatations:
> Antenna House and Prince. Here are the resulting PDF documents:

Here is the same document rendered with WeasyPrint, with an additional 
user stylesheet[1]:

As you can see, WeasyPrint does not implement multi-column layout yet, 
but this is definitely something we want in the future. The issues I 
have with the multicol spec were already raised here.

As to GCPM, WeasyPrint only implement bookmarks, which I think is one of 
the more reasonable features of the module. Many of the other features 
are IMO largely under-specified and need a lot of work.

[1] The annotated user stylesheet is as follows:

body {
   /* Used unprefixed in the document, but prefixed in WeasyPrint.
      css3-text is still a WD.

   /* Non-standard.
      Pretend that the document has an HTML 'lang' attribute.
      This uses an implementation detail that maybe
      should be limited to UA stylesheets.
   -weasy-lang: "en";

#last {
   /* The main content uses 3 pages instead of 2,
      so we need a right break instead of left to obtain a blank page.
   page-break-before: right !important;

Simon Sapin

Received on Monday, 8 April 2013 09:51:11 UTC