[css3-page][css3-gcpm] implementation coverage

CSS3-Page and CSS3-GCPM contain features needed for paged & printed
documents. I've created a test document to assess current
implementation coverage:


The document tests features from CSS3-page (margin boxes, page
numbers), and CSS3-GCPM (running headers & footers, running elements,
footnotes, leaders, cross-references, spanning columns, bookmarks,
page floats, crop and cross marks, bleed area, CMYK colors, and the
styling of blank pages).

The document can be interoperably rendered by two implemenatations:
Antenna House and Prince. Here are the resulting PDF documents:


In sum, the test shows that all of CSS3-Page and most of CSS3-GCPM has
been implemented. It is possible to write interoperable documents, but
implementations differ in some areas. 

In some cases, the implementations support a slightly different
syntax. This is, e.g., the case for CMYK colors and running elments.

Page floats is a complex feature and it is only superficially tested
in this document. The two implementations support different
properties, but there is a also a common subset. Further studies are
needed in order to advance the specification in this area.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª
howcome@opera.com                  http://people.opera.com/howcome

Received on Monday, 8 April 2013 08:35:12 UTC